Chartering Members – December 13, 1916
Dr. Albert Sidney Beasley Jr.Ω, Harvard University
Oliver Livingstone Johnson, Esq.Ω, Harvard University
Bishop Edgar Amos Love (Omega Psi Phi Founder)Ω, Boston University
Dr. Andrew Lee Wallace, Sr.Ω, Boston University
Matthew Washington Bullock, Sr.Ω, Dartmouth University
Richard CrawfordΩ
Francis Morse DentΩ, Amherst College
Walter Myles EvansΩ, Boston University
John Bertram Garrett, Sr.Ω, Amherst College
Warmouth Thomas Gibbs Sr.Ω, Harvard University
Albert Alexander KildareΩ, Boston University
Anselmo KriggerΩ, Mass. Institute of Technology
Bernard Wister PritchettΩ, Amherst College
Frederick Allen ParkerΩ, Amherst College
Alfred Pierpont RussellΩ, Harvard University
Walter Oglethorpe TaylorΩ, Boston College
Garnett Russell WallerΩ, Newton Theological Institution
Gonsalvo Cotobus WilliamsΩ, Harvard University
- Ellis Dale BarrowsΩ, Bates College
- Sterling Allen BrownΩ, Williams College
- William Albert Moses BuschΩ, Amherst College
- Roland Wiltse HayesΩ, Fisk University
- Simon Overton JohnsonΩ, Boston University
- Charles Dudley Lee, Sr.Ω, Amherst College
- Charles William LewisΩ, Amherst College
- Benjamin Elijah MaysΩ, Bates College
- Joseph Lincoln ParkerΩ, Mass. Institute of Technology
- Benjamin Franklin SeldonΩ, Harvard University
- John Andrew ShelburneΩ, Dartmouth University
- Jayfus Irving WardΩ, Boston University
Misc. Pre 1920
- Cornelius Nathaniel GarlandΩ
- William Samuel QuinlandΩ
- David Alphonso Lane, Jr.Ω
- Oswald Lambert Kelly FraserΩ
- José Escabi MonsantoΩ, Harvard Medical School
- Lee Julian Purnell, Sr.Ω, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Roscoe Lewis McKinneyΩ,Bates College
- Henry Adam Brown, Jr.Ω, Williams College
- Harvey Nathanial MiddletonΩ ,Boston University Medical School
- Robert James CooperΩ, Boston University
- Gordon Blaine Hancock Ω, Harvard University
- Henry Randolph JacksonΩ, Boston University
- Leroy Kenneth PierceΩ
- William Montague CobbΩ, Amherst College
- John Churchel CarterΩ , Northeastern University
- Benjamin Bradford WeisigerΩ, Dartmouth College
- George Dewey CrossonΩ
- Theodore Edward Alexis McCurdyΩ
- Spencer Cholier DisherΩ, University of New Hampshire
- Robert Shaw Wilkinson, Jr.Ω
- Cyril Fitzgerald AtkinsΩ, Tufts University
- Edward William DixonΩ
- Elijah Henry Allen Jr.Ω, Dartmouth University
- Westervelt Augustus TaylorΩ
April 4, 1924
- Malvin J. ProctorΩ, Tufts University
- Joseph Andrew Bonner Jr.Ω
- Harry PayneΩ
- Joshua JonesΩ
December 18, 1925
- Gustave Martinez Solomons, Sr.Ω, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Samuel Leon McCoy, Jr.Ω, Tufts University
- Cuthbert Ewart Claude PhillibertΩ, Tufts University
- George Alexander SheeheyΩ, Tufts University
- Charles Leslie OswellΩ, Boston University
- Robert Gould RoysterΩ , Northeastern University
- Harold Percival JewellΩ , Northeastern University
- Richard Alexander HenryΩ , Northeastern University
- Robert Morris JamesΩ, Tufts University
- Frederick Douglas St. ClairΩ
March 22, 1929
- Ellsworth C. WilsonΩ, Boston University
- William Vernon JacksonΩ, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mahlon McKerrow OswellΩ, Clark University
- J. HolmesΩ
Misc. 1920’s
Samuel Alfred AllenΩ
Elwyn Greaves BarrowΩ
Eustace Archibald CarmichaelΩ
Adrian CramptonΩ
Clifford ClarkeΩ
Clyde CoatesΩ
Edwin Hugh ConyersΩ, Tufts University
Byrd Dewey CrudupΩ
William Lloyd Allison DavisΩ
Oliver James Derritt Jr.Ω
Irwin Tillman DorchΩ
Henry B. DuncanΩ
Marron William Crawford FortΩ
William Marvin GibsonΩ
George E GilmerΩ
Edward S. GrayΩ
Howard R. GrayΩ
Phillip H. GrayΩ
Walter Griffin GrayΩ
Martin Walter HawkinsΩ
John Benjamin HillΩ
James Otto HillΩ
Merrill W. HollandΩ
Christopher Phillips HoffmanΩ
Edward HutchinsΩ
Henry Joseph JeffressΩ, Tufts University
Paul Veron JewellΩ
Thomas Henry JohnsonΩ
Howard Pearson KennedyΩ
Melvin Dow KennedyΩ
Willis Jefferson KingΩ
Rudolph Ulysses LanclosΩ, Tufts University
William Sandord LawrenceΩ
Edward H MatthewsΩ
James Worthington MatthewsΩ
Joseph Addison MasonΩ
Francis Wilson McCoyΩ
Egbert Chappelle McLeodΩ
Edward Coburn NilesΩ
William Almy OccomyΩ
Naudin Jospeh OswellΩ
Norman PetersonΩ
William Lawrence PeppersΩ
Oliver Bernard QuickΩ
Andrew Fletcher RosemondΩ
Phillip Cooley RobinsΩ
G. H. ScottΩ
Ogbon Napoleon SimmonsΩ
Charles Clinton Spaulding Jr.Ω
Frederick Douglas St. ClairΩ
Francis Ernest SyphaxΩ, Boston University
Dudley Hubbard ThomasΩ
Richard TurpinΩ
Melville Felton WhedbeeΩ
Joseph Franklin WalkerΩ, Tufts University
Silas Perry WashingtonΩ
Arthur WilsonΩ
Benjamin F. WilsonΩ
Charles Ross WinthropΩ
March 25, 1931
- William Moreland ForteΩ, Boston University
- George W. Brinson
- William Radford AndersonΩ , Northeastern University
- Nathaniel Alexander HandyΩ, Boston University
May 19, 1934
- John Vaze Parnell, Jr.Ω, Boston University
- Theodore Nelson LoudenΩ, Boston University
- Alfred B. Cox
- Manza Arnold Thomas
- Ernest Sinclair Slaughter
- George Ignatious Lythcott, Jr.Ω, Bates College
- Milton Theodore RiddickΩ, Boston University
May 9, 1936
- Bernardin Francis DabneyΩ, Boston University
- Ralph E. JohnsonΩ, Harvard University
- Herbert Tolson CheltenhamΩ , Northeastern University
- Herbert Edward Tucker, Jr.Ω , Northeastern University
- Herbert Murlin HayesΩ, Boston University
- Sutherland ParkerΩ, New England Conservatory
- Oscar S. BurrowsΩ
- Emmett Issac Wroten
- Joseph Underwood
- Charles Humphrey Michie
- John G. Frances
- A M Thomas
May 15, 1937
- Joseph WalkerΩ, Boston University
- Major Edward Butler Williams, Jr.
- Richard Beck UnderwoodΩ, Northeastern University
- Darnley Leon CorbinΩ, New England Conservatory
December 23, 1938
- Lloyd Hugh MagbieΩ, Boston University
- Edward Dugger, Jr.Ω, Tufts University
- James F Chretien
- Vernon H. Powell
June 15, 1939
- William P. Boswell
1930s Unsorted
- Richard Kenneth Barksdale
- William S. Baskerville
- Raymond Holmes Carter
- Howard Fould
- Rudy Hightower
- Vernon T. Jackson
- Paul Lincoln JonesΩ, Tufts University
- Robert Louden
- John Parnell
- Charles Whitted Quick
- Manza Thomas
- Percy Walter Tucker
April 6, 1940
- Reginald Aubra PearmanΩ, Boston University
- Francis Putnam Hazel, Jr.Ω, Tufts University
- James Weldon ReynoldsΩ
- James Holt ReevesΩ
- John A. BrowneΩ
March 17, 1941
- Lloyd George MorrisonΩ, Bates College
- Leslie C. BrownΩ, New England Conservatory
- David Watson Daly DicksonΩ, Bowdoin College
- Matthew Bullock Jr.Ω, Bowdoin College
- Charles Cyril BentleyΩ, Brown University
- George Silva LimaΩ, Brown University
- Herbert Turner
- Everrett E. Asbury
- Aldous S. Rigley
- Ernest C. Smith, Boston University
- Charles E. Cobb
March 1, 1947
- John Clifton Clark, Jr.Ω, New England School of Anatomy
- Robert Charles Garnett, Jr.Ω
- Walter Lee HuntΩ , New England Conservatory of Music
- Wilson Lewis HuntΩ , Northeastern University
- Jerome Theodolph LewisΩ, Colby College
- Paul Lawrence MoodyΩ , Northeastern University
- Henry A. RyceΩ, Boston University
- Charles Alfred SmallΩ, Tufts University
- William Wesley Wright, Jr.Ω, Boston University
- Roy Maynard EllisΩ, Tufts University
March 13, 1948
- John David McKinneyΩ, Boston University
- Furman Madison Jones, Jr.Ω, Tufts University
- Vernon Maurice JonesΩ, Tufts University
- Kenneth Augustus Anderson, Jr., Boston College
- Duncan Allen DottinΩ, Boston University
- Oliver Levering BowensΩ, Tufts University
- Erias Hyman
- Lewis M. YoungΩ, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ralph KingΩ, Boston College
- O’Ray EdwardsΩ,
February 12, 1949
- Frederick J. GumbsΩ, Boston University
- John O’Sullivan FrancisΩ, Boston University
- Alvin Oleander PattersonΩ, New England Conservatory of Music
- Rollins GriffithΩ, New England Conservatory of Music
- Cortland Otis DuggerΩ, Tufts University
- George Clinton VidalΩ, Boston University
- Thomas Lucien Vincent Blair, Northeastern University
- Louis Reginald Brothers, Sr.Ω
- Samuel N. Lambert, Boston University
- Harold BlairΩ
- Frank Clarke, Boston University
1940-1949 Unsorted
- George A. Lopez
- Charles M. Roberson
- Craig Herbert Yorke, Sr.
- Alfred Johnson
- Raymond L Wilkins
- Ollie Redden
- Trent S Russell
- Jesse B Chase
- Donald C Watson
March 14, 1950
- Roy Perry
October 1, 1950
- Francis Mitchell
December 16, 1950
- Jack E. Robinson, Jr.Ω, Boston University
- William David ByardΩ, Suffolk University
- James PrimesΩ
- George E. WarnerΩ, New England Conservatory
- Marvin E. Gilmore, New England Conservatory
- Clifton Adolphus Moore, Sr.Ω, Boston University
- Charles W Jiggets, Northeastern University
June 2, 1951
- Roger In Blackwell
- Jack E. Brent
- Harold Frye
- John Edward DavisΩ, Northeastern University
- Richard Vincent LawsonΩ, Boston University
- John Henry MoultonΩ
- Ovid Leland Mackinnon, Tufts University
- Ulysses J Montgomery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Gastrel Lancelot Riley, Boston University
- David Carlton SanfordΩ, Boston Conservatory
- Ronald Bernd SingletonΩ, Tufts University
- Harvey F Davis, Jr.Ω, Boston University
- Melvin Ross
- Robert Jocelyn Spence
March 20, 1952
- Leon A. Ewing, Boston University
- Lennard A. Massey
- Wheeler Sampson, Boston University
- Winston H. Robbins
- James Mayo Galloway
May 29, 1952
- Arthur Leroy CollinsΩ, Boston College
- Lincoln A Jones, Boston University
- Raymond Davis, Boston University
- Ronald Elliot MorrisΩ, Boston University
- Clayton Bywaters, Springfield College
- Elias Mulzack, Springfield College
- Edward D. Mcclure
- Paul LewisΩ, Boston University
- Thomas Wade Allen, Boston University
- Butley Blakeney
- Ernest Bristol
- Kenneth O. Brothers, Northeastern University
- Calvin Vreeland Perry, Boston University
- Reynold Agustus Cadogan
- Wayne B. Hazzard, Trinity College
- Dr. Theophilus Elisha McKinney, Jr.Ω, Bowdoin College
April 2, 1955
- Charles Theodore MartinΩ, Harvard University
- Lewis H Atkins, Boston University
- Vaughn C. Payne, Jr., Harvard University
- Horace Shearer
March 30, 1956
- Lloyd Henry BellΩ, Boston University
- Norman A. ReidΩ, Boston University
- Nathaniel RobertsonΩ, Boston University
- Walter Craig, Boston University
- Vernon Gilbert GravesΩ, Harvard University
- Elmer Kountze, Boston University
- William F. Scott
November 11, 1957
- Louis James White, Boston College
- Joseph K. Hurd, Harvard University
- Robert Patterson Watkins, III, Harvard University
- Nathaniel John Douglas, Harvard University
March 29, 1958
- Ivan Leroy WingoodΩ, Boston University
- William Bertrand Golden, Harvard University
- Joseph Hoffman, Harvard University
- William Edward Gates, Boston University
- Richard Bayne, Northeastern University
February 5, 1959
- Vincent H. Frye
- William Frank Lytle, Northeastern University
- David Enos Van AllenΩ
- Robert John Underwood, Northeastern University
November 7, 1959
- Joseph Claudes Young
1950-59 Unsorted
- Charles F Anderson
- Lee BosticΩ
- George C Branche Jr.
- Richie Coleman
- Tom Frazer
- Hard
- Stanley Edward Mcfarlane, Jr.
- Richard Keels
- George Richard White, Tufts University
December 3, 1960
- Wayne A. Budd, Boston College
- Joseph B. Latta, New England College of Pharmacy
- Kenneth A. Morris, Boston College
April 23, 1961
- Lincoln D. Chandler, Harvard University
- William Murphy, Jr., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Leon T. NelsonΩ, Colby College
- Eric C. Michaux, Boston University
- John R. Marshall, Jr.Ω, Northeastern University
- Charles D. Meadows, Boston University
- Richard Tsukasa Kotomori, Sr., Harvard University
- Frederick William Wiley, Northeastern University
- Richard C. FrancisΩ, Boston University
- Earl H. McClearney, Jr., Boston University
- James H. HeardΩ
April 21, 1962
- Harvey Jones, Northeastern University
- Lamont Bettis, Brandeis University
- Dr. Allen Rousse Sullivan, Northeastern University
- Wesley G Wallace, Jr., Northeastern University
- Richard MullinsΩ, Northeastern University
- Arthur Leroy Stewart, Boston State Teacher’s College
- John H Edwards, Boston College
- Randolph Cross, Boston University
- Alonzo Alvin Thompson, Boston University
- Robert BurnsΩ
February 16, 1963
- Homer PlattΩ
- Bruce Pierce
- Edward Harvey Thompson, Jr.Ω
- Legrand Hines, Jr.
- Mack DavisΩ, Boston University
December 21, 1963
- Otis Kelly
- Phillip Mendes, Boston University
- Howard BraxtonΩ
May 1, 1964
- George White (Karim Abdel Shakur)
- Joseph Douglas Toppin, III, Bentley College
- Malcolm R. Mooney, Boston University
- Harold N. DupeeΩ, Northeastern University
- Emery St. Clair SpringerΩ, Jr., Northeastern University
March 12, 1965- Jive Five
- George Livingston Saunders III, Northeastern University
- Stephen Griffin, Harvard Extension
- Ray Smith, IIIΩ, Boston University/Harvard Extension
- Cedric Coleman, New England Conservatory
- Samuel WalkerΩ, Northeastern University
December 29, 1965
- Joseph W. Perkins, Brandeis University
- John Potts Jr., Harvard University
January 8, 1966
- Tyrone Mark PowellΩ, Northeastern University
- Delano B. FarrarΩ, Northeastern University
May 19, 1966- One Lone Dog
- Clifford Bernard JaneyΩ, Northeastern University
April 28, 1967 – Magnificent Seven
- Neil HallidayΩ, Northeastern University
- Isaiah M. Blankston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Theodore Greer, Lowell Institute of Technology
- Charles F. Lloyd
- Gordon L. Dupree
- Norman Ross
- Leonard Hubbard, Northeastern University
December 16, 1967
- James R. Turner, Jr, Northeastern University
December 16, 1967
- Preston H. Butler
- Barry Chantrelle
- John Arthuer Lightfoot, Northeastern University
May 18, 1968- The Ebony Eight
- Richard Lewis Taylor, Boston University
- Joseph Feaster, Northeastern University
- Norvel McDonald, Northeastern University
- Leon L. Turner, Sr., University of Massachusetts
- Glenn Samuel Williams, Boston University
- Arnold Theodore Evans, Brandeis University
- William Barry Nixon, Northeastern University
1968 – The Lone Dog
- Lonnie Burnett Barnes, Jr.
1968 – Dynamic Duo
- Monroe Moseley, University of Rhode Island
- Christopher Ray, Boston University
April 23, 1969 – Heavenly Eleven
- Patrick L. Diamond, Boston University
- Laurence Bonnemère, Boston University
- Eric Jackson Ω, Boston University
- Hubert A. Miller
- Frederick C. Walker III, Boston University
- John Sandidge, Boston University
- John C. McPherson, Boston University
- Walter Johnson
- Bruce A. Dandrige
April 11, 1970 – Double Half Dozen
- William Burney, Boston University
- Richard W. Boulware, Boston University
- Maurice Fondville, Berklee College
- Richard Morris, Boston University
- Algernon J. Bolden, Boston University
- Harold Lee Lockhart BrownΩ, Boston University
- Michael B. CoppickΩ, Boston University
- Madison SuvainΩ, Boston University
- Maurice D. RogersΩ, Northeastern University
- Peter JonesΩ, Boston University
- Darryl Gilliam Smith, Boston University
- Gregory A. Pemberton, Boston University
November 6, 1971 – Copasetic Five
- Johnny Perez
- Earl Howard, Boston University
- Mario Barton, Boston University
- Brian D. Clarke, Boston University
- Gary Hawkins, Northeastern University
April 29, 1972 – Thirteen Stones of Granite
- Mike Robertson
- Larry Moore
- Dwight WilsonΩ
- Augustus Guittierez
- Antone Dias, Boston University
- Robert William Dismus, Boston University
- Gregory Hall
- Huey Morgan
- Anthony Russell Williams, Boston University
- Whitney Valentine, Boston University
- Maurice Greene
- William McKay, Boston University
- Raymond E. Lipscombe, Boston University
April 27, 1973 – Thirteen Souls on Ice
- Kelvin J. Baldwin, Northeastern University
- Darryl Killebrew, Northeastern University
- Walter Richardson, Northeastern University
- Manse Sullivan, Boston University
- Kevin BushΩ, Boston University
- David Shuler, Northeastern University
- Rodney N. Douglas, Northeastern University
- Harry Darrell Webb, Northeastern University
- Mike Burgis, Northeastern University
- Rick Dillard, Boston University
- Stafford Knuckle, Northeastern University
- Melvin A. Seagers, Boston University
- John Edgar Stewart, Boston University
April 13, 1974 – Super Slick Six
- Garey Lee Taylor, Boston University
- Maceo Burke, Boston University
- Harry W. Perry, Northeastern University
- John Milton Younge, Boston University
- Steven P. Jones, Boston University
- Royal Edward Spurlark, IIIΩ, Boston University
April 18, 1975 – Smooth Scintillating Six
- David D. Hamlar Jr., Tufts University
- Bruce Girigorie, Boston College
- Marvin Claude Coble, Northeastern University
- Jeffrey Hill, Northeastern University
- Jeffery Cole, Boston University
- Kenneth Gill, Boston College
April 10, 1976 – Three the Hard Way
- Chauncey D. Wallace, Boston University
- Gordon S. Boelter, Northeastern University
- John Conner, Northeastern University
January 16, 1977 – Devastating Deuce
- Steve R. Wynter, Northeastern University
- Kevin F. McCarthy, Northeastern University
April 16, 1977 – Cardinal Four
- Edward Roberts, Northeastern University
- Derek Jose Garrett, Boston College
- Larry G. Oriol, Boston College
- Karl J. Coiscou, Northeastern University
April 9, 1978 – The Notorious Twelve
- William C. Jones, Northeastern University
- Keith Spencer, Northeastern University
- Harold Jackson, Northeastern University
- Mike Smith, Tufts University
- Lawrence E. Harris, Northeastern University
- Eugene Marshall, Northeastern University
- Vernell BakerΩ, Boston College
- Donyell Bourgeois, Northeastern University
- Keith MathewsΩ, Boston College
- Arthur Randall Davenport, Jr , Northeastern University
- Charles Chaplin, Northeastern University
- Larry Taylor, Northeastern University
April 12, 1980 – Infamous Eight of ’80
- Blake RussellΩ, Northeastern University
- Robert Jones, Boston University
- Oliver Keith Baker, Massachusetts Institute Technology
- Brian Johnson, Tufts University
- Mark S. Thomas, Tufts University
- Joseph Doug Harris, Tufts University
- Joseph N. Dunston, Tufts University
- Jeffery A. Rice, Northeastern University
April 18, 1981 – Three Who Dared
- Rodney Van Robinson, Northeastern University
- Robert Hillman, Massachusetts Institute Technology
- David Tribble, Massachusetts Institute Technology
April 24, 1982 – Two Soul Survivors
- Miguel A. Pinto, Northeastern University
- Wesley Mayo, Northeastern University
April 18, 1983 – One Unconquerable Soul
- Carl R. A. Wright, Boston University
March 3, 1984 – Five Deadly Sins
- Derrick F. Hatten, Boston University
- David Miller, Boston University
- Anthony Benjamin, Boston College
- Shawn A. Wilson, Boston University
- Benjamin Brayboy, Northeastern University
April 26, 1985 – Just the Two of Us
- Larry Sal SimonΩ, Boston College
- Derrick Anthony Brinton, Northeastern University
1986 – My Three Sons
- Robert Reynolds Marshall, Boston College
- Andre Birotte, Jr., Tufts University
- Curtis Cassius Nelson, Wentworth Institute of Technology
1987 – Last Straw
- Anthony Williams, Tufts University
March 12, 1988 – Five Soldiers of a New Day
- Jimmy Colley, Boston College
- Eric Damon Mitchell, Tufts University
- Ian Lefranc, Wentworth Institute of Technology
- Brian Byrd, Massachusetts Institute Technology
- Michael Carithers, Harvard University
March 25, 1989 – Seven No Matter What
- Jayson Oswald Taylor, Boston College
- Quan Gerald Smith, Northeastern University
- Malcolm Norwood Foy, Wentworth Institute of Technology
- Kyle Sven Edmonds, Boston College
- Ian Reid, Northeastern University
- Darren Leafton Kirton, Boston College
- Clifford Lamont Issac, Boston College
April 7, 1990 – Six Above the Law
- Derrick DeCosta Greene, Northeastern University
- Aaron Andre Pettiford Chandler, Northeastern University
- Marcus Delgado, Boston University
- Gregory HunterΩ, Tufts University
- Byron Patrick Hurt, Northeastern University
- Harry McKindley Lightfoot, Jr., Tufts University
September 27, 1991 – Three Lords of Death
- Christopher Eugene Bennett, Tufts University
- Anthony Maurice Williams, Northeastern University
- Sharrieff William Christmas, Northeastern University
May 14, 1992 – Funky Five Phantoms
- Gary Evan Ezell, Jr., Northeastern University
- Trevor Rory Mathurin, Boston College
- Claude Thomas Tolbert, III, Harvard University
- Chad Dominic Robinson, Northeastern University
- Anthony Derrell Barfield, Tufts University
June 4, 1993 – Three Devastating Dogs of Doom
- David Lance Carl, Tufts University
- Andrew Gary Grant, Northeastern University
- Frederick Tyrone Farrier, Holy Cross College
May 18, 1994 – One Thoroughly Immersed
- Yvel Joseph, Northeastern University
May 25, 1995 – One Man Show
- Torrance Jamieson Mosley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
December 20, 1996 – Three Last Words
- Shawn Josiah Harris, University of Massachusetts-Boston
- Jason DeShun Ross, Boston University
- Jonathan Robert CarlΩ, Tufts University
April 26, 2009 – Three Hounds from Hell
- Lenward Gatison, II, University of Massachusetts-Boston
- Trevor Antwon Cooper, Berklee College
- Xavier Aloysius Cunningham, Harvard University
May 2, 2010 – One of Sterling Worth
- Daniel Jamar Boyd, Northeastern University
August 16, 2013 – Backbone
- Daquan Maurice Hill, Northeastern University
- Norman Robert Hayes, II, Harvard University
- Reynaldo Emil Kirton, Harvard University
- John Scott Martin, Berklee College
June 18, 2016 – Cord of Three Strands
- DeMarr Vass, University of Massachusetts-Boston
- Terrell Ja-von Heyward, Clark University
- Darien Ray Long, Boston University
April 21, 2017 – Four Forged by Fire
- Quincy Jordan Fowler-Cotton, Berklee College
- Devin Kendall Harvin, Boston University
- Che Julian Aroyewun, Boston University
- Tyler Austin Gray, Harvard University
March 31, 2018 – Three Beasts of the East
- Lawrence Leonard Nelson, III, Tufts University
- Avery William Taylor, Merrimack College
- Samuel Francois, Merrimack College
April 1, 2019 – The Furious Four of Fortitude
Bertram Watson, Harvard University
Devin Dwayne Darrington, Harvard University
Christopher W. Cesar, Worcester State
Joshua Edward Benjamin III, Harvard University
September 4, 2020 – The Unwavering Four
- Derrick Gerard Lottie, Jr., Boston University
- Johnny General Powell, Harvard University
- Langston John Swafford, Boston College
- Solomon Tabe Egbe, Jr., Harvard University
March 27, 2021 – The Fab Five
- Shaka Malik Moales, Merrimack College
- Diego Meritus, Tufts University
- Jelani Ronald Machen, Harvard University
- Matthew Donald Tynes, Harvard University
- David Garikai Madzivanyika, Harvard University
March 15, 2023 – Four Reapers of Redemption
- Daniel Falode, Harvard University
- Edward Lee Allen, Assumption University
- Trevon Gabrielle Charles Woodson, Tufts University
- Jamahl Neal, Brandeis University