The Application Period Has Ended.
Four College Scholarships
1st Scholarship: $5,000;
2nd Scholarship: $3,000;
3rd Scholarship: $2,000;
4th Scholarship: $1,000
The Contest is open to all college-bound, high school seniors.
Contest Closes October 21, 2016.
The manuscript must be postmarked or time stamped on the email not later than midnight, October 21, 2016, and sent to the attention of
Download Application (pdf)
The essay must be entitled: “What would you propose to substantially reduce the incidence of gun violence in the United States and around the World without taking away the legal rights of law abiding citizens to acquire and possess firearms?”
The essay must be original neither previously published nor secured by copyright. The essay must be between 700 and 750 words in length.
Download Application to view all rules.