Gamma Chapter of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., is pleased to announce its 2022 International High School Essay Contest. As a mandated element of our Annual International Achievement Week Observance, Gamma Chapter will be awarding an up to $1,000 1st Place Scholarship to our Chapter Essay Contest winner.
2022 Essay Title: A world crisis has caused a paradigm shift for health disparities and social justice; what are your suggestions for positive change?
Eligibility & Rules: The Contest is open to all college-bound, high school seniors in Greater Boston who submit an essay application to Gamma Chapter.
- The essay must be original and neither previously published nor secured by copyright.
- The essay must be between 700 and words, but should not exceed 750 in length.
- The type-written, double-spaced essay must be submitted via email in Microsoft Word.
Please submit all essays to by 11:59 PM on October 21, 2022. Late submissions will not be accepted. Do not change or shorten the Essay Topic.
Gamma Chapter will assemble a review panel to assess submitted essays based on the following criteria. Essays may earn a maximum rating of 100 points.
- Development of Topic/Thesis: (30 possible points) Topic is well-developed (covers and develops major points, supplying enough information for understanding)
- Progression: (20 possible points) Composition progresses from beginning to end in a logical flow of information
- Readability: (25 possible points) Concise prose that sticks to the point and does not ramble (holds reader’s attention)
- Grammar: (15 possible points) Agreement of subject and verb; proper tense; correct sentence construction; paragraphing, including transitional phrases linking same
- Spelling: (5 possible points)
- Punctuation: (5 possible points)
The Winner will be announced via the Gamma Chapter Instagram and website during Achievement Week, November 14th – 18th, 2022. Thank you for your interest and best of luck!
Gamma Chapter Executive Board
Instagram: @gammachapter_ques